David Banahan


Campbellsville, KY

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
CH 750 Cruzer
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Private Pilot, Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
500 hours ASEL just ordered 750 Cruzer 12/8/14. Hope to start in February 2015. Done 5/19 and flying. Down for condition inspection 6/12/20.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Harold Bickford

    Hi David,

    Glad we're connected; the workshop was an eye opener in terms of the project.

    We have a 750 STOL kit in the shop with the horizontal and elevator in work. Also the Piet project underway. I found another Corvair core so here we go. The 3 liter we've started will go in the 750.

    We can be reached at 402-274-7530, 402-274-8038(cells) or 402-274-6639.


    Harold and Edi

  • Harold Bickford

    Hi David,

    Had our tech counselor give the schematic a look. He thought it had the basic elements. Beyond that following the 2014 manual or contacting WW would be the best approach.


  • Wayne Brazinski

    Hi Dave!

    I hope you are doing well.  I'm getting soooo close now it hurts!  Let me know if I can help - 630-675-9103 is my mobile.  Feel free to text/call.
