Patrick Hoyt

Dallas, TX

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
CH 750 Cruzer, ZODIAC XL
Project Status
Building From
Partial kit
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have already built an airplane
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
N63PZ appears on the cover of January 2015 issue of Experimenter, with story.

Was also the plane used in advertising for Falcon Insurance, and for EAA Lifetime Membership ads.

N63TZ is a 750 Cruzer that I am building from a kit.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Jeff Webb

    Patrick, Nice photos. I really like the engine. I just disassembled a block to get the crank out and will head to a machine shop soon. Did you send your crank to Aerovair for nitriding? What do you think of those $1500 cylinders that they have? Best of luck!
  • Jeff Webb

    Thanks Patrick, Where are the Pramod people located. I havn't heard of them. I agree about the weight loss.. I'm trying to get down to 180 lbs. I think I'll do my first corvair with regular cylinders as well.
    Take care and stay warm.
  • Tom Dempsey

    Hi Patrick...I remember you from the dinner! Nice pics of your plane. Looks like you are very close to completion. I will keep watching to see when you finish! Thanks for writing...good to hear from you!
  • Jake Reyna

    Patrick, I do believe the fiberglass canopy seal is a big inprovement, but it does require some fiberglass skills. It wasn't that long ago, last summer, that I started down the fiberglass path. I hope I've helped others by using the blog to share my experience.

    The front molding weighs in at 8oz, but the back is heavier and Carbon Graphite might be a better solution if weight is an issue. I'll post the weights once I get them trimmed.

    I haven't seen the 650 canopy up close, what did you like about it?
  • Jake Reyna

    I didn't realize that the 650 canopy offered that much more headroom. I got lucky, I'm only 6' -3" :-)
  • David Coberly

    When looking at your pictures of your 601 it will put mine to shame when completed and wow your work area looks cleaner than a hospital room-- don't look at mine. David
  • David Gallagher

    Pat, Your shine is looking good, and it builds up muscles too! :-)
    The big, open expanse on the right side of your instrument panel is just begging for a map box. I bought the Van's design and it is great for storing sectionals, E6B, etc.

    Keep up the good work!

    Dave Gallagher
  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    What did the neighbors say about the plane?

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    I would hope that they appreciated the FWF work you have done. Your engine and baffling look very neat.

  • Dr. Edward M. Moody II

    When someone asks about the paint color after all that polishing effort, I'm sure it takes composure not to simply shoot them and bury them in the backyard. I'm guessing that you have had a chance to run the engine by now, or have you? Any issues left to resolve?

    I saw Dave Gallagher urged you to put in a map box on the right side of the panel. I think that's a good idea too. I would make a screw retained panel segment and install the map box in that removable segment. That way, if you decide to add more avionics later or simply need a way to get your hand behind the panel, you can pull that panel segment or replace it with more gizmos. A transponder would be a nice addition.

  • Jock Struthers

    A belated thankyou Patrick for your suggestion re the firewall nose wheel linkages boots – and photos. Looks like a good effort.

    I am sorry to be slow in replying, had an unexpected problem with my mother-in-laws health just after I raised the question, she has since passed away – funeral and aftermath now all over, so only just putting my plane back on the “menu”!

    I saw an interesting option the other day on a passing 601 – a bit like yours except that the builder used material cut from a fireman’s coat for the boots – so now to find a fireman who won’t miss a bit of coat!!


    Jock Struthers
  • Bob Archibald

    Pat, Sorry I can't give you any Zodiac time. Happy you were able to fly both of our previous Zodiacs. The yellow one is gone. My grey plane in Air Force colors is still in modification, but will fly again as my personal mount.
    Cheers, Bob
  • Andre Levesque

    Hi Patrick,

    It makes allot of sense to polish many parts. I never painted an aircraft before either !! But I am planning to polish the greatest part of my 750.

    I'm just amazed at the quality of your polishing. Any secrets you want to share apart from the Nuvite F9 product??  What type of polishing equipment are you using?  And it difficult to polish around the rivets.

    While I was deburring a managed to scratch to surface at many places...Do all these scratches disappear after polishing with the F9?What do you use to clean the surface before polishing?


    Great Job will look real sharp!!

  • Phill Barnes

    Hi Pat

    Sorry for jumping on your video and posting it before you had the chance but I thought it was so awesome and that others would want to see it asap. I did enter your name into the title so that people new it was you having so much fun and not me.


    Looks like you went for a real adventure on Magnetic Island just. Sure hope the Aussie Government don't watch your Youtube vids because they are sure to see a missed revenue opportunity and impose a Fun Tax to us all.



  • Phill Barnes

    Yeh, Gov sux.

    I am glad that you liked my secondary latching system that much that you are duplicating it. Of coarse you do realise that I am now going to have to sue for  $1 000 000 AUD for infringing on my patent. HA, just kidding. Spinnlok deserve a pat on the back for designing that little cleat don't they.

    I've asked Admin of this site to transfer your video from my account to yours. If they can't do it, I will delete it and get you to copy and paste the RSS feed from Youtube.



  • Richard Jones

    Thanks for the web-site on manual flaps for the 601 XL. Do you have a way of contacting Daniel Dempsey's because I want to purchase one of his flap handles.
  • Garlen Mikolichek

     Hello Patrick, I'm looking foward to hearing from you. I'd like to know how your project is comming along, what problems you have encountered, etc.. Garlen.
  • Buzz Air Flight Academy

    Hello Pat: Yes we do BFR's , what is now called a Flight review. When would you like to get this done.

  • David Gallagher



    It is looking more like an airplane every day!  I can't wait to see it in person.  I camped out at Sun-N-Fun last week next to Pietenpol builder Dick Navatril.  He says you guys are in the same EAA chapter.


    Good luck,



  • Dan Dempsey


    I'm starting the certification process and was wondering how you filled out the Affidavit of Ownership form 8050-88 on the line for the engine manufacturer model and serial number.  Is this general motors and the stamped serial number on the block, or is like the plane and I'm the manufacturer and serial number is 1?

    Dan Dempsey

  • Dan Dempsey


    The thing that worries me about how you described your engine is that if I describe mine the same way, there would be at least 2 aircraft with engine Chevrolet Corvair Serial Number 1.   Does it matter?


  • Dan Dempsey

    Patrick, I'm going with Chevrolet, Corvair, T091RH which is the block serial number.


  • Frederick Schutt

    Hi Patrick

    Congratulations on your plane in EAA Sport Aviation. I will be installing a corvair engine in my 601. I  have a question for you.  I found many dicussions - from builders and ZAC on changing the angle of stabilizer- both up and down from 0 degrees for better performance and control.  Did you change degrees up or down and if so how much?

    Thanks- Fred Schutt

  • Frederick Schutt

    Hi Patrick

    Sounds like Oshkosh was great-maybe next year for me.  Still have concerns on mounting stabilizer.  My plans call for tolerance of 0 degrees down and 2 degrees up.  Is there an advantage to mounting with x number of degrees down.  Is performance and handling better-how about level or nose high flight and elevator travel?  Still building airframe and corvair engine- Went to Fla end of April and picked up my short block from Dan and WW with new billet crank and 5th bearing and 2850 cc kit.

    Thanks-Fred Schutt -601XL builder

  • David Gallagher

    Pat, have you found out yet where your flat tire was leaking from?  I have 5 years and over 500 landings on my original tires and tubes.  On my last annual after 4 years of flying, I noticed more wear on one side of the tread on both main tires so I turned the tires around to wear the other side.  I popped the wheels apart and the tubes looked fine so I re-assembled and re-packed the bearings.  I have not touched the nose wheel at all.  I make sure to keep the pressure up as I have seen low pressure spin a tire and cut the stem.


    Good luck,



  • Carlos Sa

    Hello, Patrick

    I'm about to cut the top forward skin (to make avionics access panels), and was wondering how to make it water tight...

    I see that your 601 also has these panels

    How did you go about water proofing it?

    Thanks in advance for your comments


  • Michael J. Festa Sr

    Mike Festa
    Dear Pat, hello I met you at a Peteinpole meet
    In Wisconsin few years ago. QUESTION? I'm about to set up my electrical system , and
    where exactly mount the buses? I did not want to mount them on the back of my panel.
    That would be too little space. SO I wanted
    to find out where you mounted yours?? Thanks. Peace. Mike Festa
  • Wayne Koski

    Hey Pat, I'm flying that Jabiru 170 out of KFCM now. My finishing kit is on its way and after I am done with that I will do the wings. Got my Sport Pilot license back in July so it looks like I should be flying it next summer...
  • Gary Ray


    Really nice article in Sport Aviation.  You hit so many of the points that I had during the building process.  I think the article goes a long way toward describing the experience.  Even the compulsion or long time knowledge from and unknown origin, that you would someday have to do this.  The only other thing this big in life is raising kids.

  • Dan Dempsey

    Patrick, are you running a MA3-SPA carb?  Did you have any issue with it being too lean?

    I open up the jet a couple thou and will be putting it back together tomorrow.


  • Dan Dempsey

    What's the altitude of the field you fly out of?  Maybe it's the guys near sea level that are having to make them richer.. Do you think it's a factor?

  • Jeremy w malecki

    Hi Patrick. I'm Jeremy I just started building a 650 and was wondering about the corvair engine your running. How are they and what's the pros and cons about them? What's the fuel burn and such thanks.
  • Franz Scheck

    Hi Patrick,

    maybe you remember my mail about our nearly same time maidenflight.

    In this day I was looking the Viking engine  Forum and what did I found?
    Patrick Hoyt is redesign the engine of his plane. I and my friend will visit
    Viking next week, take a look to the engine and discuss technical issues
    with Jan. I´m very sure that we will buy a Viking engine for our Zodiak 605 XLs.
    I´m hoping firmly that we are both very satisfied with the engine and the
    support  from Jan.

    Have a good time and greeting from Germany

  • Franz Scheck

    Hello Patrick,


    you are a good thing ahead of us regarding the Viking engine,
    so I can ask you something maybe.


    1) What is the distance from propeller shaft to the ground and
    2) do you use a nose wheel spacer

    3) what is your propeller diameter


    Thank for your efforts in advance and maybe I can also throw a
    stone in your garden (german saying)


    Have a nice Sunday and best regards


  • William C Cooper II

    my brother and I built a CH 750 STOL with aViking 130 and a three bladed (68") Whirlwind prop and we are just 4.5 hours into our flights tests and wishing for better weather here in Maryland.

    I saw the 19 Oct data that Jan posted from your static engine run and wondered what prop pitch was used...

    I also saw that you are "playing with Viking's data logging tool." I am not familiar with that... Could you point me in the right direction?

    Thanks, Bill Cooper