John Heather


Adelaide Hills, South Australia


Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
STOL CH 750, CH 750 Cruzer
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
No Experience
Flying Experience
Sport Pilot (or Ultralight)

Comment Wall:

  • walter tachiki

    Just starting. Just completed empenage. Getting ready to start on wings. Have to modify my table for more length. Open for any pointers
  • ronald zielke

    Hi John  sorry I just haven't gotten back to you but I did by two batteries on that promotion from Wicks and thank you for the heads up.  I needed two because I'm using a covair motor and that battery  has the ability to shut itself off and then I become a glider, but buy just flicking a swt. I convert to the standby  Thanks again  Ron

  • Gary Motley

    John please send email address again to and I will send my weight and balance to you.
  • John Butler

    Thanks John.

    I wanted the second set of cylinders etc to put brakes on the starboard side. I should have ordered them with the kit, but I didn't know then what I know now.

    I will get the intensifiers while I'm there, as I think that I will need them.

    Good luck with your build.


    John Butler


    Thanks for the heads up John, 

    Certainly a set back on my project but in the end is for security reasons.




    Thanks John, What are your thoughts on the service bulletin regarding the HS, I see you have a Viking engine which should run smoother with less vibration, do you feel necessary to perform what is indicated in the service bulletin?

  • Chris Hoare

    Morning John

    No I am not planning on being test pilot after a bout 5 hours will get in they recommend that some one else flys it first ,so if some thing goes wrong you do not try to save the plane just your self.

    And I do not have enough experience so will get duel when I can on the when allowed spent to much time building it to do what a friend did and reck his from no time on type.

    If you want to chat done time my number is 0447482244


  • Chris Hoare

    Morning John

    No I am not planning on being test pilot after a bout 5 hours will get in they recommend that some one else flys it first ,so if some thing goes wrong you do not try to save the plane just your self.

    And I do not have enough experience so will get duel when I can on the when allowed spent to much time building it to do what a friend did and reck his from no time on type.

    If you want to chat done time my number is 0447482244
