Jacky Winters

Nashville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

Aircraft Model
Project Status
Building From
Engine installed (or plan to install)
Building Experience
Have worked on airplanes before
Flying Experience
Private Pilot
Building and Flying Info / Your Profession / Other Background Info
Retired Electrical Engineer - I helped Ray Woodson with this project.
Home Airport (ie. KMYJ)

Comment Wall:

  • Frederick Schutt

    Hi Jacky

    What rivit squeezer did you use to push the rivits out.  I don't like the idea of hammering any more than necessary.

    Thanks, Fred Schutt

  • Frederick Schutt


    I'm sorry. ignore my last comment- I placed it on the wrong members page

    Fred Schutt

  • Dan Dempsey


    My project is actually not in Charlottesville.  It's in Wingina VA (Nelson County).  That's where I'll be this Saturday.  It's an hour south of Charlottesville.  The address is 782 Midway Mills Lane, Wingina VA 24599.  My phone number there is 434-263-8521, my number here is 434-975-6410.  It's out of the way, but you're certainly welcome to stop by.

    Dan Dempsey

  • Doug Dugger

    Jacky  I do have a 0200 powered 601xlb  It is a older 0200 1972 was date of birth on this engine it flys the 601 very well although it does not go as fast as the jab powered 601 that Stephen Smith (who flys a lot with me) has. My fast go go speed is about 125 mph but I usaly fly around 110 to save fuel. Climb out fully loaded is around 700-800 fpm at sea level. Cloverdale CA (O60) is at 300 ft asl and my home airport at Rancho Tehama is 550 ft (49CN) in northern calif.  Downwind is at 70 mph base to final is 65 mph and across the # at 55mph 10% flaps. Hope this helps call if you like and will be happy to talk 
  • ronald garrison

    hi jack, the half moon over the baggage opening is so my other half will have some where to rest her head when sleeping. it is padded too. you have a sharp eye i even put in tear drop windows on the sides to see in the baggage area.

    thanks Ron

  • Larry Ward

    Pins don't show up on my google map any more.  Do I need to reset something to get them to show up.

  • Tim Smart


    I saw Paul Sander's STOL location map and the recent comments. I don't know if I had the courtesy to thank you for your effort at the time but let me do so now. Thank you for making the 600 series map, your efforts will, I'm sure, be even more appreciated by me in years to come.
  • Jacky Winters

    Thank you Tim.  I look forward to seeing more about your project!

  • Carl Eichenauer

    Hello Jacky.

    Are you still keeping the map up to date.  I submitted my info at least a month ago and others have submitted it more recently.  It is a great service to the members but if you are now longer doing it, maybe someone else can take it on.  Please let me know.



  • Raymond Woods

    Hi Jacky, I have a 601currently doing engine runs, hope to be flying by Christmas located Bowral, one hours drive south of Sydney Australia


  • Scott Smith

    Hi Jacky
    The map is a great idea! I live near the 601 XLB owner with the Jab 3000 at Corona airport, CA. I sure would love to contact this person. Any idea how to?
  • John M Greiner

    I really don't like people that steal my ideas before I think of them. LOL

    I have been working on the same thing clueless to the awesome work Jacky has been up too. Great idea, and actually I got the idea from another 750 STOL friend.

    I have another shared Google spreadsheet to share info on all models, here.

    If we get to 100 contributors I am giving away a free AeroLED Microsun Landing light and 50 feet of wire. Tell your friends and come join the fun. 

    Open Forum - Featured Item -  link below


    The map idea tapered off of the spreadsheet above

    Hope to see you guys contribute to get to 100 real quick. Then on to 150 and the next prize. All contributors are eligible at each drawing, well except me - insert frowny face here...

    Working with vendors to get free prizes, its all in fun, and I don't get anything, except the satisfaction of helping my fellow builders and flyers. Spread the word to your Zenith friends. If anyone gets this, its Jacky Winter's. Thanks Jacky for all that you have done for us builders and pilots, Like Tim said below, I believe you will be appreciated for many years to come.

  • Charles N. Sturdivant

    Jacky:  I too, live in Nashville.  My 610XLB (purchased) with an O200 and parachute is at the Dickson airport.  Please add me to your map.



  • Richard Jones


    Have moved my 601xlb powered by a Viking 130 turning a 3 bladed Whirlwind from a hangar at Gimlin airport 18MO to shade hangar at Sullivan airport  KUUV. Have a little over 200 hours on the 601 and a little over 150 hours with the Viking. any boby in the Sullivan, Missouri area that wants to talk airplane 

    Dick Jones

    992 Fairway Drive

    Union, MO 63084

