Zenith Workshop: December 2 and 3, in Lake City, Florida!

Event Details

Zenith Workshop: December 2 and 3, in Lake City, Florida!

Time: December 2, 2022 to December 3, 2022
Location: Wheels and Wings facility at Canon Creek Airpark
City/Town: Lake City, Florida
Website or Map: http://www.zenith.aero/profil…
Phone: 573-581-9000
Event Type: workshop
Organized By: Zenith Aircraft Co.
Latest Activity: Nov 22, 2022

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Event Description

Zenith Aircraft Hands-On Workshop
We invite you to join us at our December 2022 workshop in Lake City, Florida, to gain hands-on experience in building your own Zenith aircraft kit!

Hosted by our friends at Wheels & Wings builder assistance facilities, we’re returning to Florida in December with the Zenith hands-on rudder workshop and a Zenith fly-in gathering! Join us on December 2nd for the workshop and stay the following day for the informal Zenith fly-in gathering (with flying demonstrations, BBQ lunch, and more!)

The workshop will start on Friday morning (December 2nd) at the Wheels & Wings facility at Canon Creek Airpark (15FL). Lake City is easy to get to, at the intersection of I-10 and I-75 in North central Florida, with numerous hotels and restaurants nearby.

Zenith Aircraft’s hands-on workshops are primarily for first-time kit airplane builders and have become popular with sport aviation enthusiasts who are considering to build their own aircraft and are unsure if they have the required skills, workspace and tools. During the workshop each participant builds and assembles their own Zenith aircraft rudder tail section from a standard Zenith kit. The workshop concludes once participants have successfully completed assembly of their own rudder tail section of the aircraft.
In the process of building the rudder assembly, participants tackle many activities including learning how to read drawings (blueprints) and work with assembly instructions (manuals) under the expert guidance of factory staff. They learn the procedures for putting together an aircraft assembly, including drilling and blind riveting. In the end, they have an assembled rudder that is ready to install on a Zenith kit airplane.
The hands-on workshop is an excellent way to learn about building your own (amateur-built) kit airplane and about the many advantages of owning and flying an airplane that you’ve built yourself. Kit aircraft is a segment of general aviation that is growing (while much of general aviation activities continue to decline year over year). For many, building an aircraft is a very rewarding experience, and today’s modern kits make it easier and quicker to build than even before.
Standard workshop fees are $375.00 (or $425 for the CH 750 Super Duty model) and include the complete rudder kit for a Zenith aircraft. Additional helpers are encouraged to attend and can participate for free. To learn more about the workshop program, visit zenithair.com or call Zenith Aircraft directly: (573) 581-9000 (Mon – Fri, 8 – 5 Central). Prior registration is required for the rudder workshop.

Note that, due to demand, we have added a workshop class at the Zenith Aircraft kit factory in Mexico, Missouri, the same week, on December 1st & 2nd. Note that class size is limited and prior registration is required.
Details: http://www.zenith.aero/events/zenith-factory-workshop-december-1-2

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Join Zenith Aircraft Builders and Flyers

Comment by Zenith Aero on November 2, 2022 at 9:34pm

Zenith Aircraft's Sebastien Heintz and Roger Dubbert go flying in the Zenith STOL CH 750 Super Duty sport utility aircraft to discuss upcoming activities before the end of the year:

Comment by Zenith Aero on October 10, 2022 at 4:34pm

Scenes from the 2020 Workshop, hosted by Wheels & Wings

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