While back-drilling holes for the top skin of the fuselage of my 650 I accidentally missed one of the existing holes on the back bulkhead and created a new one.This new hole goes through the web but is out of line and 4.5mm from the already existing hole. At this point are there any structural issues with also drilling the correct hole, riveting it and then attempting to patch the error hole? If this is ok does anyone have any suggestions for patching the error hole? The other option would be to have one rivet that is out of line to add some character. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.

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Hi Jeold
I think I know what you mean and where. But just to be clear, can you post a couple of pics to help us answer accurately.


Only 3-4 holes left when I became to complacent, did not move my light and look at what I did. OOPS hole is drilled thru both bulkhead and skin, correct spot is only marked on skin with sharpie and is not drilled in skin yet. So, I have 2 holes this close together in bulkhead and only 1 in skin at this time.
My son helped me with pic as that would be a stretch for me.
Hi Jerold
Taking into account that we are all amateur built aircraft manufactures, what I would do is fill the 3/32 oops hole with a 3/32 pop rivet. You will never notice it but if you really want to hide it, dimple the hole and use a 3/32 countersunk rivet and body fill over it. If the correct spot hole is already drilled through the bulkhead as I believe you are saying it is, then I would just backdrill it where it lies. If the correct spot hole is not already drilled through the bulkhead then I would move it downhill 5mm. I dont think that the edge distance on one rivet hole in this skin causes a structural concern. Take a look at the factory workmanship on a quickbuild kit sometime and you will probably worry about edge distance a little less in places like that.

Couldn't agree more with Phil...I don't think you should sweat it.
Hi Jerold
What did you end up doing with your hole positions?

put asolid rivet inthe hole
Welcome to the world of homebuilt aircraft. I have a few extra holes and I was advised to put a rivet in the hole and move onto the next opportunity to mess something up ;-)

I agree with Phill, it's not going to create any structural issues in that location.

Thanks for all your input and ideas.
I talked to Roger at ZAC and decided to accept the hole as a point of conversation and leave it where it was rather than drill additional hole in skin. If I redrilled it away from errant hole to get adequate seperation between holes, then it would be off in pitch and if I drilled hole in correct spot and patched error hole ,I would always be looking for a crack in skin.
It bugs the perfectionist in me to have made such a blunder due to complacecy, but humbling experiences help one grow. I'm sure this will not be the last error and I still believe this 650 will fly every bit as well in spite of a misplaced rivet.


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