Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Hi , I have a 601hds,status Subaru powered complete plane for sale. This aircraft was certified and flying in Canada. I brought it to US . I started to change fuel controls ,battery set up ,and carb heat. I became ill and it was put in storage. I am trying to get back to it but I think someone else needs it.I feel about 30 or less hours work needed {no one willing to work on exp. in my area}, is for sale at less than kit cost. About 300 total- engine less than 200. Logs not at home.This could be great for person afraid or too busy to build from scratcth. The work needed is less than my Cessna needed (sold with new annual to me} I will take trades,trucks ,bikes, high wing lsa.I didn't include info earlier that this is not cert. at this time due to being exported from Canada.Requires insp and flyoff would be listed as owner as builder.Getting ready for insp is reason I commited to a few changes to satify myself.
Yes probably did that, Plane is at kbfd, nw penna near ny border. I did not include that due to this being from Canada it was decert. by aircanada . this means insp. and flyoff in US . Per EAA counselor would then be cert in name of new owner as if he-she was builder. But would need mech course {was under 20 hrs} you could have mech privleges.
Hi Dennis, is this still available for sale?
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A Complete Guide to Understanding Light Airplane Design, by Chris Heintz
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