I can certainly understand the need to maintain the proper/specified cable tensions in the various control systems to reduce the possibility of flutter. The only spec. requirement that bothers me is for the Rudder Cable system. I own and fly a tail dragger version of the XL and there really isn't much of a way to control this cable system tension. The right and left pedals are independently connected directly to the rudder and are not interconnected. Tension can vary from very light in normal flight (or zero when the autopilot is engaged and no feet are on the rudder pedals) to relatively high depending on how much braking action is used or how exciting/tense your landing may turn out to be. (It's a tail dragger remember.)

Jim Timm

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I think the factory needs to come up with a fix for this problem. A balance system needs to be addressed by Zenith. I am sure they are reluctant to do this because of liability potential and the appearance that the design is not sound the way it is, but two solutions to a problem is always better. I have tried to make as many things redundant in my plane as possible, so why shouldn't we have both the tension and a balance design.

Sam Birchill
Tail Dragger also
Sam, I agree, Zenith does need to acknowledge the problem and recommend a fix other than just cable tension alone. I also concur that they may be reluctant to make other recommendations for the reasons you stated. Redundancy is usually good idea if it's possible. In this case, balanced control surfaces and cable tension or balanced surfaces and the use of push rods in place of cable??

What ever it is I hope the issue gets resolved in a timely fashion so we can get back to flying safely and in a peaceful state of mind.

Jim Timm
European/Zenair AD addresses Aileron tension because of flutter in the wing. To my knowledge there is no issue with the rudder in flutter.
Hi Jim
Drawing as promised.



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