I find that the V inset of the nose wheel crossbar bearing surface introduces a lot of friction and interference with the rudder. Ideally, the rudder should be completely free so the pilot has "feel", resulting only from aerodynamic forces. This could be improved by having a flat bearing surface giving smooth movement. However, springs would be needed to give the centering force previously given by the V profile. While this does not replicate aerodynamic force only, it would make the rudder operation smoother and more linear. The exact implementation of the springs is a question. We don't want to upset the rudder cable tension for one thing. BTW , what would happen if the bearing surface was flat, and no springs were added? Would there be directional instability of the nose wheel, where it would tend to veer once it is turned slightly? I would like to hear ideas on this.

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Don't know if this would help you but years ago I installed nylon (UHMW), wear strips on the V notches and noticed an improvement on my 701. The strips just snapped on the notches and were purchased from MSC Industrial Supply part number  52434073.  In order to make them stay in place after cutting to length I had to cut most of the way through the bottom of the strip so that they would easily stay bent in the aluminum V shape. No more messy grease. Hopefully the link works.  While you only need a foot, you must buy ten feet for $13.73. The two pieces I installed still look good after 80 hours of use.  It is the one on the far left in the MSC link below.  



Sorry to take so long to reply.

I'm looking at ways like this to make a smoother bearing surface. Does your configuration reduce the centering tendency of the nose wheel? What would happen of the bearing surface was perfectly flat instead of V shaped?

BTW, are the blocks forming the V surface made of Aluminum or solis Nylon?


Hi John

Sorry but I finally found a drawing of the style of V block you have and I'm afraid my suggestion will not help you as my 701's nose gear centering design is completely different than yours.

    With your design,  find a way to support the nose off the ground such that you could grab the nose wheel and turn it full right and left while observing the action of your bearing surface / crossbar interaction. You already have a spring essentially with the bungy cord pulling down. Now, how could you improve the slipperiness of it's action?   Perhaps others with a 601 could chime in??


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