Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
I have a partially completed 701 kit for sale. I would say the fuselage is mostly complete. It is sitting on landing gear. There is aHirth 4 cylinder, 2 stroke engine mounted. The wing, slats and ailerons have been built then taken apart. I am not sure of their value if anything. $7k with engine $5k without. Mobile, AL
hi greg i’ll take it if can pick up in a couple months to drive x-country.
Hi Michael. You are the first to respond. I can wait a while but I need to know that we agree on what the deal is and of course a deposit. Are you interested in the engine? Do you have questions about what is included?
when could you pick it up? When is a good time to call you?
Also, this was built from a kit and I have the plans. I don’t have wing spars.
hi greg ,
im interested in the fuselage and any assoc parts. is the hirth a 2 cyl 2 cyc? what model.?
brand new ? maybe on the engine
yes can pay deposit pick up mid april
why were the wings flaperons and slats
thanks pls text me you ph number
lets chat thur.
What about the inst panel? can u text me a pic?
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