I set my trim to be level with the horizontal & elevator level. There does not seem to be enough nose up trim. I was curious where others set their trim tab. Thanks 

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Have you reversed the elevator's trailing edge bend?

Checked again......is as per the plans


"Per Plans" works against the "nose-up" trim.

If you take some boards you can reverse the trim which will result in a more "nose up" condition for you.

Like slats per plans don't fit the wing !

Please elaborate or show some pics


Mine is adjusted downward from level to keep a nose up attitude.

So, when flying level, the trim trailing edge is LOW and pushes the nose of the airplane UP.

Not a big deal and erases some forces on the elevator that the pilot has to apply...


The original plans called for the elevator trailing edge to bent up 15 degrees to compensate for light engines.  Zenith says to bend the trailing edge down so the top skin from the spar back is straight.  The Rotax 912S is heavy enough you need to do this.

That makes sense to me. I will do that on my next elevator!!!

Or you can clamp over the trailing edge bend with 2 of 1"X2", and reverse the existing bend. Can do.


Hi Joey,

The first thing to do would be to reverse the trailing edge bend on the elevator. It should face DOWN  so that the down force applied will raise the nose and help you. I did that .Easy fix

Do that and try again.



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