What are thoughts about putting the Viking 130 on a 701?   Too heavy? Too much power?


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I was wondering the same thing........

Hi Guys I have the JUG which at this stage I believe is the only 701 with the 130hp firstly I fly a very specific style so this was a experiment for me in that I wanted more hp and importantly torque and over all I am completely happy with my choice to answer your question yes the 130 is at the top end of weight for the 701 and also requires you to weight the tail to get Cfg correct so that adds more weight but the performance far outways any weight sacrifice in my opinion also the new technology engine is amazing I still burn the same amount of fuel as I did with the 912uls and if I wanted to I can VNE the jug straight and level but no need to obviously, I did beef up the mounting points as an extra precaution just for peace of mind I absolutely love it. I get so many comments also on the sound people just cant help but ask what have you got under the hood well there is my 2 cents worth and I will do a walk around video of the JUG and its mods as soon as I get 5 mins so keep an eye out for that

cheers and beers


Nice, that engine was not on their  site last time I looked.   Would like to know how it performs in a 701 vs the 912.

More about the Viking 90 for the CH-701 HERE

Latest 90 hp 150 lb CH-701 engine at Oshkosh


Here is a flying example of the 130 in the 701

What is the hourly fuel burn of the 90hp?

Takeoff around 4, cruise anywhere from 2-3. With the 130 it differs for about 6 at takeoff and 4-5 cruise. We just shipped out a 701/90 combo this last week :)

That sounds good, I hope to be ready for a 90, and a 701 fwf kit in a few months.


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