engine is sold

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hi mark how much and has the engine been run on the planeare you going with a different engine joe
Joe, never been run. would be good to go through it yourself to be comfortable with build, or Great Planes will do it for you and run it in for a fee. let me know if you have any other questions.
Hi Mark,
I'm interested, but I wondered why this was not used on the 701 it was intended for, and what was used instead?
Hi mark I am consedering using a VW on My 701 have did you decide against using this on your 701 if so Why? Mike
Hi Mike,

I'm Steve and I just got home with the "new to me" VW stuff. In case Mark doesn't see your post I thought I'd offer what I know from talking with him about the VW parts. As I understand it, while in tne final stages of completion he offered the 701 with VW FWF mostly installed for sale to facilitate a move from CA to UT. The purchaser only wanted the airframe so Mark took the FWF to UT with him and sold it there. I don't think he sold it because he thought it wouldn't work though, he just didn't get to try it. I'm a little like Mark in that I offered my nearly completed 701 for sale several years ago and was only successful in selling the 0-200 engine and Warp Drive prop. After deciding to finish the aircraft a few months ago I was planning to use a Corvair conversion until I saw Marks ad and decided to go VW. I still have a lot of Corvair parts and will probably continue to work on it after I get the 701 flying, especially if the VW doesn't do what I want it to.

If I didn't already have a 701 I would probably go with the 750 because I think it is better designed to handle the heavier powerplants (Corvair, 0-200, etc.).

Good luck with your project.

Hi Mark
Do you still have the VW package available for sale.
Rob M
hey mark did you not sll the engine joe
How much would you want for the reduction gear + prop?

Guys. Please read the long narrative by Thomas (Steve) Dixon. I bought the FWF from Mark Month's ago.



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