I have a unique opportunity for someone that is building a 601 or 650. I have a wrecked 601xlb that has everything you need to get a project flying. Jab 3300 with 160 hours, Dynon FlightDek D180, Garman GTX 320, Icom radio, Dual throttle, intercom, switches, breakers, and all wiring uncut to plug and play in your plane. 

Prop hub but no blades

Also included is the upholstery kit.

I'm asking $9,000.00 for everything

If your scratch building there is a ton of good parts also that aren't included in the listing but are yours if you want them. 

If interested Call me @ 502-830-8301

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Would you sell just the upholstery?  

I've decided to sell the upholstery kit after all if your still interested let me know. It's 525.00 plus shipping

Definitely interested.  Can you send me some photos?  Also, my wife will be driving up from Atlanta in a few days and could pick it up, if that would work for you.  I sent you a friend request with my email address.

I really want to sell everything at once
In the crash did the prop strike the ground? I may be interested if the engine is good.

It was an engine out  and broke the prop but it was sent to Jabiru and they ran it and I have also checked for run out and it has no damage to the flange. Composite props are way weaker than the flange.

I have lowered the price to $7,500 I have sold the upholstery but that price includes the Flight Dek 180, Garman , and the Icom radio along with the airframe are all included for that price.

Hi, looking for a MATCO parking Brake valve PVPV-D, also what sort of circuit breakers are they ?


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