Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Have you already received yours?
Do you have a link to the seller?
I don't think there is a link.
It's not a online store.
You need to call the sellers phone number that is posted in the listing.
Read my original post
go to barnstormers
search skyguard
you will get the phone number
anyone know if there are any still left?
The email I used to contact him is
Thank you, I believe I found it.
(Note to others... the price for these has apparently increased to $200. If antenna's/cables are included, the price is $250)
Dave, am I correct that this unit would provide in and out compatibility? And that they're 2020 compliant?
Do you know if Skyguard is still in business? Their website doesn't seem to have been updated for a few years, and I'm struggling to find any documentation on this model (Skyguard TWX Vision Pro... not the Plus version)
i have a skyguard and Don will service your unit, i use the deltapop antennas for ads-b in and out, using garmin gtx 327 transponder
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