I made a video, discussing our AeroMomentum AM15 engine, the firewall forward components, weights, as well as the reasons why we chose it:

Our engine's dyno print out:

The engine came out around 10 pounds heavier than expected, due to a number of changes they have introduced over time. AeroMomentum is currently working on getting rid of the excess weight. The weights I measured:

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Great video Oliver! Thank you for sharing. Please keep doing these videos throughout your build so we can follow and take notes.  

Thanks Oliver. I really appreciate the detailed, straightforward information on weights. It's a shame that the engine manufacturers (all of them) don't routinely provide this.

Outstanding video Oliver.  Very informative and well done!  As with others, very interested in future updates.  Tim

I sent an email in a few weeks ago to Aeromomentum and haven't heard back. What engine package do you need for the 750? Upright or low profile?

Which email did you try and send to?

You will need the Low Profile.  

How far along are you in your build? STOL or Cruzer? I'm building a Cruzer .

Sent it to sales@aeromomentum.com

Building a STOL. Tail is complete. Rear fuselage is done. Firewall is done. Working this week on taking apart the forward fuselage to debur and final rivet back together. 

I was originally going to use an O-320 but the 100lbs weight savings for similiar HP and cost might be too much to pass up.

Hello Dustin,

Best if you call Mark directly. I spoke with him a few days ago and he appeared pretty stressed out. 

Btw.: We're supposed to receive the final engine mount by late July. I hope that by then we'll also be far enough with the fuselage to install the engine.

Hi Dustin,

Oliver ordered the AM15 for his 750, if I am not wrong.

I ordered the AM13 (100 HP). I am building a 650B. Fuselage, control surfaces and left wing are done.

Expect engine delivery, sometime in October. Mark has a lot of orders.

Reason I ordered AM13: weight and cost.

I am very confident this is great solution for the LSA segment (solid, well known engine, proof of concept, modern, everything new in it).

Call Mark before email. He must be very very busy. Good for him.

Good luck.

Never know with technology today...Mark is typically available.

Yes...weight savings, fuel injection, I'm not sure the exact numbers but I believe with the reduction drive you actually get more thrust as well. One thing in particular that I really like about these engines is that they are 100% new.

Does anyone know where I can find the fuel use graphs for Aeromomentum engines?  I am looking at the AM20T their big engine for an 801-SD build.  I am in the research phase of the project.

Ken... Just give Mark a call as this is a new engine to market and I'm not sure much information is posted anywhere else. Of course "Everyone" is departing Oshkosh today so might be a little busy. 



Hey Oliver, have you decided on a prop yet?


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