I got a clicking noise when I turned on my Faucet fuel pump and see barely any fuel in my clear fuel filter and have 1.0 fuel pressure and it doesnt pull the fuel up to the fuel pump, set up is just like Homebuilt help Rotax video with manifold above fuel pump and filter. worked for 400 hours. Had this happen once before, cracked the fuel lines above manifold and fuel came out and filled fuel filter and pump worked perfect. Has anybody had this happen and if so how did the air bubble form? This time I added power from idle to 2400 rpm and ran pump and in about 10-15 seconds cleared up and ran perfect. I have the fuel return line going to the gascolator at the firewall, then the fuel line goes up to the fuel filter, then goes up to the fuel pump, then up to the manifold that has fuel pressure sensor and then fuel line to the carbs just homebuilt help video. Any help would be greatly appreciated. This happened after doing a bunch of touch and goes, then shutting it down and on restart had this problem, yikes. Best Chris Brown

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Any chance you can reroute that fuel return line to a vented fuel tank per Rotax recommendation instead of to the gascolator? In your setup if your air bubble forms in the return line it’s got nowhere to go where it can rise to the surface of a vented tank and dissipate.  

Yes I think that's the best solution just a pita.  It happened after lots of touch and goes with the fuel pump on all the time, then sat for a half hour while we had lunch and maybe heat soaked and the alcohol in the ethanol fuel maybe vaporized and created that darn bubble of air. It would be a lot easier to run it to the gascolator under the seat which is the lowest point in the fuel system, but then the bubble might go either way and create the same problem, so do it once , do it right , sleep at night. Thanks so much for the input and Happy Holidays


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