Hi All...

It's been a long winter but its' finally warming up enough to work on the CH 750 STOL in the shop again.

I've looked through the Construction Guides, Assembly Manuals , Forums and the Help Videos but I couldn't find an answer for the psi to use when you use the pneumatic riveter.

Question: what pressure do you set your air compressor to when you use your pneumatic riveter?

Is it subjective?

Will higher settings, ie 85-90 psi, cause damage to the structure, or just pull the rivet faster?

I think that was the setting I used last year but not sure.

Many Thanks for the assistance.


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Can anybody tell the difference between a rivet set with air gun or a hand rivet squeezer? Can’t see how psi make a difference, the rivet pops a the correct mechanical load, not speed. 

It may be dependent on the rivet gun used, but I can certainly tell when I've over-driven rivets with my Zenith supplied rivet gun. If I use more than a certain pressure, the Zenith rivet head is clearly pancaked. It's very obvious. I finally settled on 45 psi for both A4 and A5 rivets, though I may have gone a tad higher on the A5's at times. 


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