The iPAD has become very popular with several programs for providing flight planning and moving map capability.  To add to the iPAD apps for cockpit use I have developed a database in Filemaker Pro that runs on the Filemaker Go app that is a free download from the App Store.  It is designed for the iPAD but will run on an iPHONE or iPOD with a lot of zooming in & out and scrolling around the screen.  This is a Beta version for which I am looking for feedback on how to make it better or additional features that would be useful.  Currently you can enter make/model/serial number for aircraft, engine and propeller.  You can keep a log of every flight and a running log of all discrepancies noted before, during and after flight.  There is also a periodic inspections tab that will automatically enter discrepancies in the fault log when an inspection is within 30 days or 10% of interval for calendar or hourly requirements.  Also the periodic inspection gets updated when the discrepancy is cleared from the fault list.  The open faults can be converted to a PDF file.   Future versions will allow a download of the flight log so that you can transfer flight time to a pilot logbook and will keep a standard aircraft, engine, and propeller log as required by regulations that can be printed for transfer with the engine and propeller if those items are replaced.  To use on your iPAD:

1.  Download the free app, "Filemaker GO" from AppStore.  Be sure to get the fmpro 12 version

2. Email the attached file to your iPAD

3.  Tap and hold the attachment icon and choose the open in Filemaker Go

4.  Enter "Owner" as the user name with no password.  There is a button on the first screen to change the password if you desire.

Please post comments, suggestions or bugs as replies to this post.  Thanks

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