Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Hi everybody...
help help.... regarding AN 470 A 3.3 rivets on 701 wings and flaperons... is there any treatment to apply to rivets before sqeezing ??
happy flight to you
Hi Max
No but its a good idea to to have the parts primed before you install them. I dabbed a little primer one the holes with a "Q" tip for my 701 before I Squeezed them. I live near the ocean so corrosion can be a problem.
Rob M
Tks a lot Robert... as you can see on the attached file...i m living too in a corrosive atmosphere.. normal for an Island..
tks again for yr reply
Regards from La Reunion ( Indian Ocean )
You should not have to do any treatment to the rivets before squeezing them depending on where they are being used. If you were building a fuel tank then I would suggest that you soak the rivets in MEK before usage to remove any oil so that later the tank sealant (Proseal) would stick.
Mike Ice
Tks my friend... internet is a very good thing... yu seem so close... and yr reply very helpfull as i m far away from you,
lost in my ocean
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