Hello everyone!

Anyone that has a flying 601 HDS in SoCal that I can look at? Or anyone that has built a 601HDS that I can get some help from?….. I just bought a “90% Completed” 601HDS:
Instrument Panel Done
Jabiru 3300A Installed
Fuselage Done
Wings, Horizontal, and Rudder are Built, but not attached yet.
Cables all done (Except final connection to control surfaces)
Cabin 90% done (Other than Upholstery)
Canopy mostly done.

I am totally new to building airplanes, and looking for help finishing this project, so any help and/or guidance will be greatly appreciated.

Adel Bazzi

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EAA Chapter 723, at Camarillo Airport(KCMA) has both a completed 601 HDS and a very far along kit for sale. You can check them out on Craigslist. 

kit: https://ventura.craigslist.org/avo/d/camarillo-airplane-zenith-zena... I would buy this one, myself, if I wasn't already building a 601 XLB in the same hanger. From what I can tell: the workmanship on this is very good. The fuselage is pretty far along. The wings and control surfaces are completed. 
This one was recently donated to the chapter. 
If you visit EAA Chapter 723, you can see both the finished and unfinished 601HDS's as well as my - in progress - 601 XLB. Mine will have a Jabiru 3300. The completed HDS has a Subaru motor and a BRS. 
Adel, Where in SoCal are you?

Wayne King
Camarillo, CA

Thank you for the reply Wayne. Will look into this. 


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