I am buying a 601 xl and have the chance to put on a 235 lyc engine, wondering if anyone has this set up and hows your performance??

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Yes. Flying 6 years. I plan for cruise at 90-95 knots. I built mine as light as possible - carbon fiber prop, EarthX ETX-680 battery (4.1 lbs), light weight starter, light weight alternator, polished (no paint some vinyl wrap). It is quite nose heavy on landing with flaps. I've added some lead weight in the tail but still can't fully relieve stick pressure with trim on landing. It's not bad, you get used to it.

I got a deal on the engine so it made sense at the time. Would I do it again? - no. I'd go for a lighter engine. Probably put a Viking in it. Less weight, a lot more power, and a factory built complete "system" all designed to work together. And the price is very attractive.

I would also consider a Rotax or UL Power, if I had the money. 

I thought I was getting a deal when I bought a low time o-235 for $5000. In the end, over the past 6 years, I've replaced magnetos, carburetor, starter, alternator, exhaust system, and more. Easily have put another $10K into it, and that doesn't count the many, many hours dealing with this stuff. 

I fly a lot and my plane is a great adventure machine, but for many reasons the O-235 is not the ideal engine for the 601/650. 

Initially, being an older pilot, I was convinced that the lyc/conti engines were more reliable than some of the newer engines to the market. My perspective on that has changed. I think there is adequate historical data to suggest that these engines are no more reliable than a Viking, Rotax, Jabaru, UL Power, Corvair, etc.. Most of these are lighter weight, have greater HP, and use less fuel. And they are easier to start.

Still, the O-235 is a good solid, reliable engine that you can run mogas in. Also, some might still believe that they are a "real aircraft engine" which might help on re-sale. In the end, it's not the best engine for the 601/650, but it's not a bad engine either.         


Will , work but to Heavy? Read Gary’s comments, pretty much sums it up for sure.

I helped a friend fly the 40 hours off his O-235 powered 601XLB several years ago. Afterthat I flew the plane now and then for the next year or two until he sold it. I will, based on that limited experience, say that Gary has it pretty close to exactly right. It makes a nose heavy plane that is heavier than you would like and (for the size and type airplane it is) is pretty thirsty. If you mostly fly solo and got a great deal on the engine, it is worth considering. If you want to be able to load more weight into the plane and still fill the tanks, go with something lighter. Plus, parts and support for Lycomings are not cheap. As a matter of fact, parts and support for Lycomings is outrageous. The plane performs well with the engine and you learn to adjust for the nose heaviness.


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