I have a flying Cruzer that I built. It has an O-200 with an MA3-SPA carb. I did not install a primer. Went to fly yesterday (temps finally above 45F) and could not get a start. Coughed a few times but battery finally died. I’ve always had to pump the throttle several times while cranking, but this time I was out of luck. 

my neighbor/CFI really started pushing to install a primer. On the way home, he starts looking at primer options available. 

so my question to the group is: did anyone include a primer? If so, I’d really appreciate some guidance on part brand and installation. As in, did you run the fuel supply from the gascolator or someplace else? Has anyone used an un-typical primer arrangement, like a rigged electric pump?

thanks for any suggestions. 

PS: I’m aware of not pumping throttle before cranking to avoid fuel puddling / fire issues

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Do you turn your prop over a few turns by hand before starting in colder weather.? An O200 should start pretty quickly if it is set up well.

Lots of the guys are using these primers with good results.


Here is the O200 routing diagram for hooking up the primer.

Thanks for the reply, P Richard’s;

had not seen that primer yet, so that’s a good start. I knew *how* to hook up as far as input output lines. Sine the gascolator on mine followed Zenith plans, it is thru the floor under the center console. Was unsure if folks still used it as a connection point when installed that way. Also I assumed folks used thin copper tube for the connections. Somewhat surprised to see nonmetallic lines used. 

guess my engine isn’t set up well. ;-)  I always pull mine thru several blades before starting but always have to pump throttle, even in warmer weather. 

thanks again


My Cessna 150 always took a few pumps of the throttle to get started, even with the primer.

Do you preheat your engine at all? I used to use a small space heater with a flex duct routed into the bottom of the cowling. This heated the whole engine/carb etc, which helped a lot.

Avgas or Auto Fuel? Auto fuel vaporizes more easily in the winter, making starts easier. 

As to your unconventional primer question check out: http://www.n56ml.com/fuel/ he used an electric solenoid for a primer, but his system uses fuel pumps, I assume yours is gravity?

My Ferguson TO-30 that I use to plow snow requires starter fluid in snow-plowing temperatures. Even the choke won't get it started. There is a pipe plug on the side of the intake manifold that I have to remove and give it a 1/2 sec burst of starter fluid, and then it will start with the choke on. 

Hi, Peter; Thanks for your comments!

I haven't used preheat yet for logistical reasons. I have a homemade unit with a ceramic heater and aluminum dryer ducting that worked great on my earlier plane (172). However, my current airport is far enough away that I don't want to have to drive down to the airport to set up a timer for overnight use the night before a planned flight. I have yet to find an inexpensive cellular-compatible switch that works without wifi. As in, something that I can send a txt to and have it switch on. One may exist - I just haven't obsessed with finding one.

Since I'm in DFW, the winter days aren't bad. As an example, this week, overnight lows are supposed to be low-to-mid 40's, so warm enough to start without preheat.

I use 100LL. No mogas ever.

I do have a Facet pump for aux use. Otherwise gravity once airborne.


Check out a "HEATIT ET-21 Freeze Thermostatically Controlled Outlet" on amazon. You can leave your heater plugged into it all the time and it will kick on when it goes below 38*

Not something you have to deal with in Texas much, but they are common around here for livestock tank heaters. 

I have an electric solenoid primer system on my O-235. The primer line is connector to the discharge of my electric fuel pump to the solenoid valve that is piped to all four cylinders. It is operated by a simple push button switch on my panel. Has worked flawlessly for 8 years.


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