I want to upgrade to a two axis AP. this Navaid is now coupled to my Garmin 250 XL nav/vom. I have no idea what this is worth, but would consider all offers for this single axis AP. It works just fine

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Gil   does it need to be "coupled" to be set to go in a straight line?.    Lee

Is it still available?

I haven't had that much experience flying with it to give any real advise. It is coupled to my Garmin  XL 250 but I haven't ever used the nav portion of the gps. I have tried the auto pilot a couple of times and it did keep the wings level, but to be honest I didn't pay any attention if it tracked in a straight line or not. I was only interested if I could trim the plane for hands off flying long enough for me to open up a chart etc.  And yes it is still in the plane.  My XL is so pitch sensitive just a momentary touch of my trim button on my electric trim will cause the plane to climb or descend. that is the real reason I want a two axis gps.


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