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I recently purchased a small 48" bending brake for another purpose other than making AC parts. I could machine a new set of fingers for it so that I can make 1/8th inch radius bends (it does not have a movable head to change the radius) The question I have is this; at 48 inches is it worth my time to machine out new bending fingers or are most of the bends for a scratch builder (thinking 750) over 48 inches and I should spend my time making a longer brake that is purpose built for AC parts?
Scott - Cut some strips of galv. 29 gauge sheet metal about 1 1/2" wide and bend them over the existing blade finger. As you add a strip the radius increases. Just tape the strips to the finger as many as you need; one or two did the trick for me. Like you mentioned however; you will need a longer brake. Best of luck.
Scott, I also did what Chris did and it works fine. I have a 8 1/2 ft. brake made for thin aluminum siding but it works well up to .020 for a full length bend. For the thicker material I had to build a 4 ft brake from plans I found on one of the how-to videos. There was three or four parts that were too long and too thick and I bought them from Zenith along with the rear fuselage longerons. bending brake plans. I have a video on my page. works great.
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