I've pretty much decided to sell the tail and wings for my Cruzer project.  Life got in the way and several years have passed since I last had time to devote to the project.  

Before I post it for sale, does anyone know where to find a sample bill of sale?  I would like to find something with the right legal language to basically say these are being sold as parts and the holder of the airworthiness certificate assumes responsibility for determining how or if they will be used in a completed aircraft and there are no implied warranties, etc..  From I can tell this is pretty standard, but in this day and age I would like to be sure I don't inadvertently put myself in any sort of legal or financial jeopardy by selling a couple of thousand dollars worth of aluminum rather than just turning them over to a recycle yard to be turned into beer cans.  I have been looking for a sample online and so far have not been able to find anything.

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hi greg

     you can google to find faa form 8050

aircraft bill of sale 

also google eaa aircraft sales. form to get release of liability forms

good luck w sales


faa form 8050-1. registration

faa form 8050-2. bill of sale

google. and links will have a pdf to download and print.



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