Any body have pictures of the fuel line routing using the braided lines, or solid metal lines. from the wing root (where it comes into the fuselage) to the header? I specifically need to where the lines or bulkhead fittings enter the fuselage and how close the pitot static lines and electrical need to be.

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I can make a comment about how not to do it. Photo of how I ran the lines from cabin interior thru baggage panel to header. I tucked lines near roof to keep it tidy. When in flight with slightly low fuel an air bubble in lines stopped fuel feed into header. I noticed low header fuel before a mishap, but lowered the feed thru by 3". All is well now. 


Thanks for the heads up. I think I figured it out, not a lot of space in the trailing edge area at the fuselage for 2 fuel line, pitot static lines, and electrical. My wings aren't built yet so trying to guess.

I don't have a decent photo of my area where lines enter the cabin, but I will include a scale drawing I made to find a fit for everything. It all fits--but just.


Thanks that helps. I have one more fuel line to add I hope it fits. According to Viking we need a vent line running to the tanks.

I added a vent at a later date. I used a Bundy connector (quick fuel connect). It was 5/16 if I recall correctly. They are plastic and I didn't care for plastic on sharp panel edges, so I machined a male Bundy from metal. Couldn't find a male Bundy bulkhead. It all fits, but crowded. I am using a Viking 130, but my own header & pumps. Taking the wing on and off is not super difficult with these connectors.


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