I would like to know what the people fly at in terms of C of G when loaded with one person and then with 2 people. I find that 2 up and 40l fuel in the header tank and 15l fuel in wing tanks that my plane is flying very close to the 29% of chord. Is this natural. If i am one up at 200 pound person that i am sitting at 27%. This is the CH 601 UL and with 912hp rotax engine.

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Rob - What do your plans say? Your question can be answered with a calculator and your plans. I believe there is a range isn't there? ...... I think the biggest question you have to answer is; how does the plane fly with different senerios? Percentages of wing chord won't mean a thing if you can't raise the nose to flare at landing or lower the nose to keep from stalling.
I have a Rotax 912 CH601HD and if loaded with a pair of 200 lb+ souls the C of G is near the rear limit. Only thing to watch is rotation on take-off. With 2 on board you can bang the tail tie-down ring on the runway if you are too aggressive pulling the stick back on take-off. Rotate at a higher indicated "ground" airspeed. I should put a roller blade wheel there instead of the tie down ring. Don't load heavy baggage in the hat rack , use the wing lockers for heavier stuff.
Hi Bob. Thanks for the info. I must admit that i have never experienced banging the tail down. What did u set your horizontal stabilizer.In the plans it says push it down till it touches the top longerons and runs parallell with the top longerons. Some folks are saying push the front down so it is +/- 2 to 3 degrees below the running of the top longeron in the front. They say the plane flies faster and you dont need much trim. What do you think on that issue.
got to do your on W AND B since each plane is a little different, thicker metals, different instruments, little here, little there... just do the calcs, there are a few good instructions online at the zenith web iste.



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