Does anybody out there have any experience/comment about using Cable Tie Mounts to secure wiring runs to the interior fuselage skins?

I was concerned about the adhesive deteriorating with heat so I ran a simple test.  I stuck a cable time mount & tie to a piece of scrap 6061T6 and using a heat gun I applied high heat for ~45 sec.  then tried to pull the mount/tie from the aluminum.  It did not budge ... Thoughts/comments?

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My experience with adhesive wire tie mounts from years in maintenance related areas is poor.  Initially they are great, but over time the adhesive degrades from heat, humidity and age.  The best case is 5-10 years of useful service the worst is about 1 year.  For my wiring I am using wire tie mounts without adhesive and using A4 rivets to mount them.  Others may have more positive experiences using them in aviation.  As they say your results may vary.

Thanks.  My thoughts exactly.  I have been using A4 rivets where it's easy to get to, but it sure would be easier in the tight spots.

I used the adhesive mounts that have a hole in the center and then put a rivet in the hole as a backup and to stabilize the adhesive. The adhesive will give out sooner or later in my experience.

I've used thousands of those in the industrial process control industry over many years.   There seems to be a time factor to them as well as heat and vibration.  Perhaps the glue and/or foam backing of these things deteriorates over time?  I dunno for sure but after several years in control cabinets in just about every high tech and industrial occupancy they pop off eventually and do no good. One might buy them without the glue backing, or remove it and use RTV adhesive instead?  The disadvantage with RTV is the slow setup time.  You would have to lay them out, glue and tape in place, before running any wire.  The advantage with RTV is that it's heat and vibration immune.  

I guess I should have read the replies first.  John Burns' experience is the same as mine. 

Thanks ... You guys are spot on ... I did some further testing and after a 36 hour soak in gasoline, the adhesive failed.  Looks like I'll go with the Locktite RTV adhesive where I can't easily get in a rivet.  Also major Milestone ... N701LT finally has feet! As of 10:30 this morning she's on the gear. 


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