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Where the two haves come together the top is about .105" and the bottom a little thicker maybe .110" just shy of 1/8" combined. For mounting the lower cowl on the fuselage I used nut plates with 8/32 truss head SS screws
Sizing Camloc's is one of those YMMV (Your Mileage May Vary) questions. If I give you my stud sizes, but your cowling was made just a bit thicker or thinner than mine, they may not fit as required. This link to where Aircraft Spruce sells the not flush camloc's (type 2600) shows how to measure to be sure you buy the right ones:
Here is a link for flush Camloc's (type 2700):
On my cowling, the thickness varied enough that some locations indicated needing one size, while others indicated the next size up. What I did was to add a shim under the receptacles of the thinner wall locations so all Camloc's were the same size and could be interchanged.
Good luck,
Thanks for the info David
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