Can anybody tell me how, Help explain, how to list My Z750 and Z701 for sale? I have photos and such

I'm wondering if anyone can explain to me how to list my Z750 for sale? I cant seem to figure out lhe classified section to post these planes. One the 701 has 230 hours on it and the other 750 is 90% ready for DAR but I can't finish it. My stepdad and i were building it and he passed away on me ago.

Unfortunately, God has dealt me the Cards we all get sooner or later. I want to sell my Z750, and My Z701

 I don't want my wife to have to deal with all of this. I'm not doing so good with the computer stuff anymore and would like someone to explain how to work the classified Section and list both planes

Thank you all in advance for the help, and thanks for all the years of memories I will have for the next little while.

Dennis Dixon

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I think you just did

location and asking prices?


I will try this tomorrow

 with some help from a 14 year old who knows more about computers than this 76 year old.

701 and a 750 both going to sell. Medical reasons personal;

701 is abandoned with a bill on it from Me, 750 is 90% done with 90% left to go.


What are you asking for each plane? I see you are in Florida.

Id like to list Tem with photos I have a 701, and a 750 701 is a abandoned plane with a bill on it from ME!

750 is a plane I was building with Step dad who passed away a year ago April and has been setting for a while 90% complete with C85- Dons dream macine motor in it 100 HP

You might also try listing it at Larger membership there.

Thanks Bob

I'm getting old and forgetful


Hi D Dixon,

       Can you post pics of 701? engine included?  Asking price? location?

been sitting inside? 





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