I started looking at installing the canopy on my project and find the plans are very short on details for installing the brace and ring over the baggage compartment.  I have the homebuilt help DVD showing the upgade to the 650B canopy.  It is of some help.  The construction manual I received with my kit shows a canopy installation for the 601.  This is worthless.  Anyone have any suggestions?

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Be very careful, the canapy is very flexiable when cut in 3/4-1/4.  The 3/4 part becomes like jellie. You always need 2 people to sit it on and off. I've heard of a few breaking. I made a wooden jig for it to set on when taking on and off and while cutting. My dvd showed installation for 601. My prints shows for a 650B page 6-C-1 thro 6-C-6 shows for a 650B. They have the right prints, call them if You don't have the right prints.

  Since I didn't have a dvd showing the 650 process I just did a lot of carefull thinking before proceding. I guess I did it my own way.

  I set the rear brace on 1st, the canapy on, on & off with little cuts each time. I'm sure it is easy to cut to much. I had to trim the back and front quiet a bit but the sides just a little. The rear part was done 1st then I moved on to the front part. Just make sure the front part of the canapy is not to far forward as it could hit the top front skin when opened all the way.

 how ever You chose to fasten the canapy down? is Your choice, I used recessed screws for a flush mount, not rivets. I noticed when I tightened a screw to much or drawed it down to much a small crack would appear within a few days. Used locktight on the screws. I was afraid to use rivets because if a crack starts then you drill a small hole at the end of the crack to stop it. If you use recessed screws and overtighten then on the round brackets, then it puts to much preasure on the between the round-brackets and the glass. small cracks appear. Overall my canapy turned out good.

Marvin, thanks for the reply.  Between you reply and the one from Phill Barnes and the Homebuilt DVD I think I will get the job done properly.



John McAnulty

Email: manulty#hughes.net

Hi John

Have a look at my site. Hopefully my entries will answer some of your questions.


Merry Christmas



Hi Phill, I replied on you building web site.  Again thanks.

John mcAnulty

email: mcanulty@hughes.net


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