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Hello everyone, i'm just about ready to have my 601xl-b inspected for it's import inspection. now i was just informed that for Canadian rules you have to have carb heat. What is an easy solution for this??
Aerocarbs don't need carb heat and my plane does not have carb heat, is there an easy way to do this ???
any suggestions would be appreciated.
Hi Tim,
I got the same AeroCarb (AeroInjector) you do and I got the same request from the MD-RA inspector. I had to install a shroud over the muffler to direct hot air from around it into an aluminum box to the AeroInjector ...
Not fun and NEVER used it even in february. Also, my engine is water cooled so the intake manifold is heated by the warm coolant around it. Go to my photos (page 9,10,11) you'll see how I did it. May give you ideas...
I dont think you have a choice in this...Sorry.
Hello Tim
I built this carb heat box and heat muff for the aerocarb. It's based from Mark Langford design and you can see more about it on his web site.
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