Hello Everyone,  I've just acquired a Zenith CH 300 kit that has been ell started.  Unfortunately the original owner got alzimers and has since died. As a consequence there is not a builders manual with the parts and started assembly.

      Would anyone out there be able to supply a Manual that I could Buy, Borrow or Steal.

                         anticipating your reply/s ,    Bob

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If you only need plans, have you considered the public inter-library loan program.  I have been able to gain access to some rare books and odd ball writings over the years through this program. And, it's completely free. 

thanks, I don't know how that will work on the north side of the border but I'll have a go,  Bob

You could contact Zenair in Canada, and see if they still have all the plans and manuals. Maybe they could find the previous owners in their records to find a serial number.

I have contacted both US and Canada myself but they both told me to join Zenith Aero and blog...

Were in the same boat of needing info on this plane. I happen to buy a completed one a few weeks ago and dont have a weight and balance and POH. Please help!

I just got word from the guy who sold me the plane. That he bought the plane from the original owner a couple years ago, he might have the drawings in his barn in Oregon. I will try and contact him in the morning.


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