Online Community of Zenith Builders and Flyers
Very nice 750! You have put a huge amount of work into it. I have been watching your plane for a long time and don't understand why no one has scooped it up. It would sure look nice here in Smithers, BC but sadly a bit out of my budget as I have to build my airstrip first. If it is still around next year then maybe..... For your sake I hope it sells quickly for you.
Best of Luck and blue skies!
Chuck Braun
Thanks for the reply Conrad,
You'd think with the dollar being the way it is, those farmers would be all over it.
If you ever do get out this way, do consider stopping into Smithers. It is a WAY more beautiful route then the Alaska Highway. I used to fly the North for a living and there is nothing like this corridor from Smithers to the Yukon. Maybe the strip will be ready by then so let me know. Just PM me and I'll give you an contact info if you are interested.
Chuck Braun
Great idea. Save the best for last.Be a bit generous with your time. Its a bit wiggly thru the pass that follows the road. I would normally do that Smithers-Hazelton-BobQuinn leg in about 1.4 hr in the C206 at 125knots. I'm not sure what your machine trues out at but I'm guessing about 75Knots at cruise? Anyway, you can do the math. There are no straight lines here. Always an adventure to see what's around the next corner. Your machine is made for this country. Good for you for making the trip. Do plan on stopping in Smithers. There is another fella here with a 701 and a private strip at the NW end of YYD.
We would both love to meet you. We can arrange accommodations as well if you like.
Keep in touch,
Hi Conrad, just following up with you to see if you've sold your CH750 and if the datum skis might be available. It's that time of year and though still in my Phase I test phase, I am starting to look around for skis and/or go visit Datum in Quebec.
Cheers! and Best Wishes for the Holidays and New year...Dave
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