SOLD------PROJECT (STOL Version 3) FOR SALE!! -literally buy and build - only a couple of instruments needed


This has been the best thing I have ever done in my life, outside of work, and actual flying. But, I have a new baby coming, and I would like to see what the potential value of my project is to date. If the right value is out there, I would sell it. 300 hrs and one year in. All parts are done and riveted, except for fuselage and fwf. If the offers are not reasonable, I will just finish building and fly it as I am still building it each day. 

It is basically a quick build kit to the new owner, with the addition of a certified o-200 engine that has been running, and is ready to run with all accessories (straight of a Cessna 150 that has to be salvaged for 2 panels of wing corrosion), and an unopened fuselage/finishing kit, with mount and cowling in that unopened box. 


3 bladed Warp Drive prop 70 inch and HP hub with all bolts and a prop protactor for setting

pitot system setup in wing

Airspeed indicator and lighted vertical card compass already purchased

Odyssey PC680 battery (never used)

LED strobes and nav lights mounted

o-200 engine, 1400 TT, with 50 hr Slick Mags and new ignition harness and tempest spark plugs

Engine has all new seals except for crankcase and accessories, and 4 newly overhauled cylinders that I did at a overhaul station here in California

Has all accessories with vaccuum pump, and external oil filter installed - muffler and baffling included!

New rocker covers and new air box

O-200 mount and cowling from Zenith

Wheels/Matco brakes already mounted and installed- Just attach brake lines

Pilot and Co-pilot master cylinders overhauled with all new seals and springs

Cleveland Dual parking brake cylinder

Tons of tools/rivets/bolts/cotter pins, electrical supplies, etc. 

All parts are factory or FAA/PMA certified. 

You literally have to purchase your instruments and some FWF wiring, and that is all of the money you will have to spend.  You can save thousands by doing your own maintenance as the registered builder. There is nothing else to buy,

Fuselage and finishing kit plus cowl/mount will arrive next week in crate. 

Every single day and event has been detailed in my build log with tons of pictures and every expense has been documented in a receipt and expense log. 

I was going to fly my 2 year old son in this, so everything has been done with extreme care and attention, and I have not taken any shortcuts, or bought auto parts where certified parts are called for.

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Email me at christopher dot braun @ gmail dot com if interested (sorry had to avoid spambots)

Update. $33k is the price. $22000 for kit/finishing with cowl, mount, and lights, $1000 for labor, $7500 covers the costs I have in the o-200 engine with overhauled cylinders, new seals and bolts throughout, ignition harness, plugs, new air box, etc., $1200 for prop, hub, new bolts, protractor to fit angle. Used nice lighted PMA vertical card compass and united altimeter, $350 together, elevator VGs $100, and odyssey PC 680 battery yesterday for $120. Cleveland parking brake and co-pilot master cylinders, $200. Finally, there was $2000 in shipping, $1500 in crating. You will have to pay your own shipping again, but not crating.

So, $33k is the price. About 10-15 hrs a week to March/April will complete depending on your skill level (I started project with very little, and learned an amazing amount in process). If you use used PMA/FAA instruments, you might need another $500 for those and wiring for night VFR, and $500 for a com radio, and $500 for transponder, $50-$75 for a used intercom.
All pictures and complete log, including work up to yesterday, is on

I've gotten a lot of calls and emails on this. As I said, I continue building almost every day, so there will likely be a completed fuselage in 4 months or so, so keep checking in if you are interested. I am entertaining offers if they are the right amount as I am not desperate to get ride of it. I love building it and hopefully will soon fly it. 


Update. Basically finished with everything. Need to attach finished wings and tail and do a couple of other minor things. But, have a firm buyer at $44k now. Wants to buy before airworthiness certificate for repairman. Thank for all the interest, it's sold!


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