Looking for a set of CH200 plans.  I have lost mine oiver the years.

Jock Anderson

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I have a set of CH250 plans and plans built spars (both main wings and carry-through).  I also have some rib forming blocks and maybe even a few ribs.



Hi Dale,

I have the airplane already.  I do not need the parts.  I only need the drawings.  Can I buy those from you?



I recently bought a flying CH200 and it came with all the plans and other useful documentation needed to keep it flying.


I certainy don't want to sell my plans, but if it is possible to legally give you a copy, I'd be glad to offer that for no cost at all, but only if there would no copywrite infringment issues...  Not at all interested in making a profit on the deal, but I would like to help an owner pilot in need if that is legitimately possible.




Hi Rich,

There are no copyright issues as I already have built mine and it has been flying for 27 years.  Actually it is a CH300 but I have the mods for the 300 still.  I could not ask you to copy the drawings for no cost as it is expensive to do so due to the size of the drawings.  They have to be 1:1 ration in case a part has to be remanufactured and this has to be done  commercially.  I later built a Rutan Defiant and photocopied the drawings for that as some had to be cut up.  Also I am in Australia so the rfeight would be a consideration.  But I would certainly be happy to cover your costs.  Do you know if Zenair still sell the original drawings?  I sent them an enquiry but got no answer.  They seem onlt to be interested in ultralights now.  Shame because the CH200 and CH300 are great little aircraft.


Jock Anderson

I do have the ability to copy them 'full size' but I have also resized them in a  8.5 by 11 size to fit in a regular three ring binder just fine.  The copy machine is quite capable the reduced copy still quite readable at that size.  If you were building a new plane, you might need the full size sheet.  But, unless you have significant vision problems, there is no really problem reading the reduced size sheets.  They look like originals, even at that size.

 None fo the original drawings I have are 1:1 drawings.   They are apparently not even drawn to scale.

I don't know if Zenair 'officially' supports the CH200/300 line at all anymore.  I certainly see no evidence of it.  My plane suffered an off field landing about six years ago and the former owner apparently was able to purchase (from Zenair of Canada) a new, factory-manufactured, front landing gear strut and a lower fiberglass engine shell and lower skin.  I've got the bills incurred from that incident.  But, I'm not really sure what the status of Zenair an/or its interest in the "legacy models" has been since that time.  Chris Heintz has retired since then.

Perhaps someone here would know if they still support the plane with 'factory made' parts...


Have you asked anyone at Zenith about drawings?


If you are sure there would be no copyright problem, email me with your address.


Any idea what it would cost to mail about sixty pages of documentation from Oklahoma USA to Austrailia?

Hi Richard,

The reduced size would be fine thanks; as I said I have the plane already.  Dale Medendorp had a set also but he wanted o sell some parts, which I do not need.  I did email Zenair at the factory but they did not reply so I assumed thatthey had none.  I do not know how much the postage would be but I could make a bank transfer if I have you details or send a bank cheque if you let me know.

Cheers and thanks,



Hi again Richard,

Forgot to put my address in:-

34 Shiprock Road,

Port Hacking NSW 2229


I'll prepare a packet of drawings and see what they cost to send.  If it's not a big number, I won't worry about the cost. All I need to do is copy another set and pack 'em up.  I won't put them in a three ring binder.  Do you use the USA standard 8.5 X 11 inch format there are do you use the European page size?  I can supply the whole thing prepunched, if you use (or will accept) the 8.5 X 11 inch (letter) paper stock. My drawing set is (apparently) fairly current as of about the mid 80's, at least.  My plane's first flight was in early '83.

 This might take a few days.  I'm not terribly busy at the moment, but conditions can change rapidly in the flight testing business.






Thanks Richard for that generous offer.  8.5 x 11 inch is a standard size here as is a three hole punch for a ring binder.  My airplane must be about the same vintage as yours as I first flew it in April 1984.  I have about 650 hours on it but that is not a lot per annum.  It took six years to build from scratch (not a kit).  I love it still.  It is IFR and has a Trio Avionics 2 axis autopilot and a Garmin 300XL GPS as well as ADF, VOR and ILS.  Since then I built a Rutan Defiant which took 9 years to build.  It is also IFR and has an A/P and Garmin 430 GPS.  Attached are some pictures of both airplanes.


Jock Anderson


Good looking hardware.


You'll be hearing from me real soon.



I've got an entire packet of drawings, including the CH200 builders manual built up and ready to mail since Tuesday.

I just haven't had an opportunity to take it to a postoffice yet.  I've got a few meetings to attend  tomorow, so it is quite possible I won't get to do it then either.   But it will be mailed soon.



Hello, I am looking for the manual for ch200. I have the airplane and the plans but no manual. Can you guys help?




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