I have just mounted my engine and need to consider my options for a cowl.
I have a fibreglass nose bowl, I also note the heads and carbs protrude outside the firewall line - therefore there is a need for a bulge in that area.
I am interested in suggestions, are there secondhand items out there or does someone have a process the worked well for them - any suggestions welcome.
I live in Perth Western Australia
Regards Paul

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Cut out the hole, that is needed for the protruding parts. Take a block of foam (or another piece that is easyli formed), form it (aerodynamic) so it fitts from behind and out through the hole. tape the block with brown packing tape (the polyester do not stick to it) neatly. Glassfibre the shaped "block" and let it dry. Tear off the block, when the polyester is cured, and sand, sand and sand. Test the "part" you made against the hole for good fit (from behind), and polyester it to the cowl. You may need a filler around the edges, and sanding.. (this is what i have done on a ragwing cowling )


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