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Google SpreadSheet for N750ES
45KIAS North
45KIAS South
50KIAS North1
50KIAS South
50KIAS North2
55KIAS North
55KIAS South
60KIAS North
60KIAS South
60KIAS North2
65KIAS South
65KIAS North
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70KIAS South
70KIAS North
Hi Sam, thank you for posting your flight test results. I shall study in earnest. My Viking130 Cruzer (on the heavy side), just 3.5 flight hours so far (25 circuits is all I've done/practicing landing it!), is climbing out at 1400ft/min - so I'm well pleased. 21.5degrees on the prop, max rpm is 5050, my airfield at sea level.
I'm hoping my nominal 'go faster' mod, as here will get me 1500ft/min - breathing cooler air up front. Ah, the joy of building/experimenting. Note, not yet proven. I may have just added more weight for a 0.1% performance gain!
cheers John
Samuel has not gathered any climb-out performance data during take-off yet. Since your Cruiser has the same engine as Samuel's STOL, it will be interesting to see how they compare during take-off.
Hi Loren, Sam and Charlie, I'm at just 15 hours on mine so far, and still taking things cautiously, so nothing dramatic to report. Engine, so far is faultless. I'm regularly swapping out the gearbox oil, as advised - during run-in phase. It still leaps off the ground and I need a terrific amount of right rudder to maintain centreline on climb out. Rate of climb is a consistent 1000 to 1250ft/min at full throttle 5000rpm at sea level 20degrees C, 21.5degrees of prop pitch still. Pushing the rpm in normal flight does not bring much speed gain v noise of engine. Best cruise, will I think settle at 75kts and 3900rpm (for my taste). Mine lands at 40 to 45kts on half flaps. I'm coming down at 50 to 60kts. Not used full flaps yet. As soon as it's in the air I get rid of flaps (at this stage in my familiarisation). More experimentation needed.
I once saw 5400on the tacho and 118kts., this, whilst not paying attention during a high altitude orbit. Made an unintentional dive for the ground - learned my lesson (even smelled overheating). It's super sensitive to pitch changes. Mine only needs tiny amounts of trim or rudder input during normal flight.
Will report more, once I've got more to report, cheers John
P.S. I made up my own forms for recording flights and maintenance (in Excel). I attach for anyone's interest.
Sam and John,
Thanks to both of you for sharing your numbers!
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