Here is a trick I learned starting cold engines. I have built a couple of engine pre heaters and they work, but to heavy or big to take with you . I found that a plain hair dryer works fine . I put it up in the cowling when I do my pre flight and let it run 30 minutes . I start my jabiru down to  10 degrees. with no problem.

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The problem with fan type heaters is they suck cold air in from the outside or unheated hangar to heat up before it gets to the engine. The colder it is outside the more you need a preheat to start and the less effective the ability of the hair dryer to heat up the colder air it is sucking. Both Tanis & Reiffe make a simple bolt / epoxy on aircraft heating system (150 - 300 watts) for both the Jabiru & Rotax engines... even certified aircraft engines. These heaters take longer (2 - 4hrs) to heat your engine, but heat both the oil and engine block/cylinders. These heaters also have thermostats and safety cut outs that prevent burning down your aircraft or hangar. They can be plugged in or set to start on a timer... some can even be turned on/off by phoning them. Its much colder here in Canada -15C to -30C and I have seen a 2500 watt milk house heater fail to warm the Jabiru 3300 enough to start.... used a propane blower !
If you fly to a distant airport, most Canadian terminals have a plug-in for your aircraft overnight or for a short lay- over. For remote bush locations I use a very light, small 1000 watt HONDA generator from my baggage area (CH750) to plug-in while I go have breakfast and close up the camp prior to leaving. The HONDA can also run a battery charger in case your aircraft battery fails, or power your cell/satelite phone. I have set my own personal lower operating temperature limit at -20C. ... after that its down right too nasty to go flying.
Thats Great idea Will Do that my
self . Thanks for checking it out and puting it in the forum .


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