I'm working on my CH750 Cruzer and I know that I want a fuel injected engine. I'm likely leaning towards the UL350is, but I'm also curious if anyone has used the IO-240 in the past and if Zenith supports it with a FwF kit.


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There is a fellow on this site named Wayne Tyson who owns a CH750 with an IO-240 on it. Try checking with him.

Go look at the rotex 912SI its fuel injection.

Hey Adam,

I installed an IO-240 B on my 750. It uses the same engine mount as the O-200. If it has the propeller extension/ adapter the regular O-200 cowling should work, not sure about that, depending on which exhaust you use. I didn't use the extension/ adapter. So modifications had to be made to the cowling to clear the plenum. Send me an email if you like and I will enclose some pics.


               Jim G.


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