The 3-part Zenith  YouTube video "Building a Cruzer " shows that the front and rear wing ribs come pre-drilled to final hole size (where they attach to the main spar) - is that correct? The ribs in the kit I just picked up in September are pre-drilled, but not to final hole size. The Homebuilt help video states the ribs must be drilled out to final hole size- not sure why the Zenith video states differently.

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I picked up my Cruzer kit Nov 2017.  I thought they were pre-drilled, but I just checked my build log and I had a pic of me up-drilling them to #20, so I guess they weren't.  The spar itself is final-sized, but the ribs weren't.

Remember also to up-drill all of the flange holes - I thought they meant only those that mated against the spar, but it was for all of them. No biggie to drill later, but was harder to debur once they were riveted to the spar!

One other tip I'll throw out there right off the bat:  There are stiffeners on the upper and lower wing skins between the ribs.  At least on my plans, they gave lengths for each of the stiffeners, since they're mostly different.  The builder guide had a different set of dimensions. The wing itself was a 3rd set of dimensions, so make sure you check what you have/need before cutting 32 L-angles!

yup, that video is very misleading...and I took Roger to task on it at the time

Thanks for the pointers


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