
 I'm ready to start cutting some .090 and .125 aluminum parts for my 701, but I'd like to hear from experienced builders as to the best sort of blades to use for this work. I have a 14" Delta bandsaw. Thanks!

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use a fine tooth blade and it will cut like butter

John, as Bruce states, fine blades work well.  I use a variable 10-14 TPI bi-metal blade that is 1/2" wide, many fine woodworking blades are narrower, not that narrow is bad but for doing straight cuts the wider blade tracks well and you can rip through parts fast without fighting blade tracking / straightness.  I also leave a little margin for clean up on the belt sander / files.

I use fine tooth blade but also use a lube stick, the one I use is made by "Walter" and called COOLCUT LUBE STICK. realy makes cutting easy and keeps the alumimum chips from sticking to the teeth on your blade

   Thank you, Bruce, Darrell, and Joseph! I'll be picking up a new blade today.

Hi John,

I use an 18 TPI on a 14" bandsaw, with good results.  When cutting multiple "L" angle pieces I use a short piece of 2X4 Oak block with a couple of 1" deep slots cut longitudinally and others cut perpendicular through to the longitudinal cuts but not beyond. Sometimes using and end stop screwed to the block to cut numerous small parts of the same length, or without to support the thin material.  

I was told the finer blade would clog up but have not found that to be true, and would lean towards even a finer blade, but that might be pushing the limit. Coarser blades I use for plywood and softwood work OK on thicker AL material when I just happen to have that blade installed.


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