I'm still a LONG ways off from assembling my O-200, but I'm always scheming and planning out the various options.

My cylinders were (according to their last annual before I obtained the core) all decent. All are newer but unknown variety so that I could run 28 deg of timing instead of being limited to 24.

I'm trying to come up with a workable but cost-conscious solution.

I'm thinking that my options are: (and note that I have a VERY reputable nationally known cyl shop near me...)

1. Send existing out for overhaul. Install new hi-comp pistons.

2. existing cylinders, overhauled, ported and polished, stock pistons

3. existing cylinders, overhauled, hi comp pistons, ported and polished

4. Buy Superior Millenium cylinders. They come with pistons, so I'd be stuck with stock compression ratio.

5. Superiors but get new hi-comp pistons which run around (?) 800 the set.

6. Superiors, stock pistons, but port & polish

7. Superiors, hi comp pistons, port & polish

My goal is to have an above-100 hp engine. I know I'm not going to be reaching RV or even UL350 speeds, but if I can spend some additional $$$ and get 10 mph for the cost I'd give serious consideration.  I'm well aware of the adage, "Speed costs money. How fast do you want to go?"

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not sure but I think you could use the piston and cylinders used in O-200D (higher compression) although in my new O-200D timing is still 24 degrees TDC. the balanced set makes for smoother operation

Interesting. Hadn't heard of that aspect of the -D.  Will look into it.  Thanks;

Carl before you spend any money have your crankshaft checked for cracks and dimensions. A lot of higher time 0200 engines have cracks. Lee

good point, Lee, but already taken care of!

I had an old tired one and put a set of Millineum cylinders on. Then next annual I had the timing put from the retarded 24 deg. to the allowed 28 deg.
This really made the difference
Later Sensenich came up with a new twist profile for their metal prop on the C150, which gave another improvement.
If you can get a large wood prop and 28 deg. timing, I think stock compression ratio for an O-200 would be enough. There might be someting to be had with better exhaust.


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