I bought 3x3 angle iron to build Dave's brake, but they're 10' long. I have an 8' hinge coming soon.

Should I shorten the steel, or just leave it 10' long with a foot "unhinged" on each end?

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I'd whack them, might find a use for the 2' sections on something else down the road...

Funny you should say that. I have been eyeing the stuff and thinking that a bit of it would make it so easy to raise my table saw a few inches...


You can order another 2' of hinge to complete a 10' brake.
Actually you can bend aluminum piece longer than your brake by doing gradual braking about 10 degrees or less at a time while moving the piece along the length of your brake.


Thanks, guys.

I'm scratching out a CruZer, so I think 8' is all I need, but since I plan to use the material to make a 50" free-standing brake after the plane is done, I guess I'll take Champ's advice and use a couple more feet of hinge.


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