We'd like the Access Covers on the wings to fit flush.  I purchased a Close Quarter Dimple Die (from Cleveland Aircraft Tool) to use with the 3/32 Rivets provided by Zenith to use with the Nutplates, also provided by Zenith, but the rivets are still raised too high.  As the dimples look fine, I now believe that the rivets are inadequate for this purpose.  Would others share what they used to make for a flush fit access cover?

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I used CCC-32 stainless steel pulled rivet from Aircraft Spruce.  With the 3/32 pop dimple die from Aircraft Tool & Supply (5102D3/32).  I still used the original K-1000-3 nut plates that came with the kit even though they are not dimpled.  I was please with the results.

Thanks John.  Yours looks great.  I'll look into the tools and parts you used.

Hi Loren,

Are you trying to accomplish flush head riveting or trying to get a flush fit access panel?  For the former, I would recommend using a rivet squeezer with 3./32 solid rivets after you accomplish the dimpling.  There is a bit of technique to ensure when squeezing you keep pushing the head of the rivet into the dimple and "squash out" the tail.  If the rivet backs out even a bit you will have a rivet standing a bit "proud" (higher than the surface).  Also, with a squeezer and dimple die, you can dimple your own nutplates.  They fit a bit better that way and squeeze nicer  They are easy enough to drill out if not flush enough to your liking.  For flush fit access panels I would recommend Mr. George Race's products...  Good luck with the project.


Dave, I'm trying to get a flush fit with the cover Zenith provided.  Thanks for sharing the technique.  We'll practice on scrap pieces.  I've been following your build and am very impressed.  We're thinking of using George Races trim piece for the fuel fill.


I used 3/32 solid rivets which are dirt cheap.. After dimpling, I put rivets in the holes drilled for nut plates, nut plate on top and set the stack on an anvil. I then held everything solidly down on anvil and started rivet with small ball peen hammer and finished with flat punch and hammer till I was happy with rivet.

Simple and low cost alternative to rivet squeezer or trying with frustrating results pulled rivets and with a little practice, you can achieve a dead flat rivet head.

Only difference, I put the nut plates on the access cover and put it inside the wing skin and not on the outside.



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