If you answered NO, then let me share my story of me not having a fire extinguisher in my airplane. 

Check out the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpDbl4F86yQ&t=1s

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Does anyone have any first hand experience with Element fire extinguishers (https://elementfire.com/)?  

Seems like the perfect thing for carrying in a plane, but have no personal experience with them.

I have no experience with these, but I perused the website for a few minutes. The main drawback I can see from an Aviation point of view is that it's kind of like a flare. Once you light it (with the attached striker) you can't shut it off and it will continue to burn, produce gas and emit it's output until it burns out.  I also noticed that it is PROHIBITED from being AIR SHIPPED.
Probably not a good choice for an aircraft extinguisher.

A club member decided to do some acrobatics in the 152 and not realizing that the fire extinguisher wasn't tied down put it through the back window. Plane is placard no acrobatics - Wow!  

Be sure to anchor the fire extinguisher as the 601 & 650 canopies are spendy $$$$$


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