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is there any trick to installing dual throttles, I assume i just have to run 2 cables to the carb and make sure the one im not using isnt locked. Any input?
The one's I have seen have some sort of bellcrank usually mounted on the firewall or engine mount where both throttles join. Then a single cable runs from there to the carb.
What I would like to know is if I can have a vernier throttle on one or both sides? Otherwise I'm putting in a single vernier throttle on the left.
You can attach two cables to the arm on the carburetor as I have done on my 0-200. But if you have one a vernier, how are you going to be able to use the other one. Seems to me that the vernier will lock the other in position. Just a thought.
That's my thought too. Some sort of unlockable vernier. Probably a safety hazard. One throttle is best I expect. I talked for some time with a fellow who has his 701 set up with a vernier and he insists that it's much more manageable in severe STOL ops with it. I can fully imagine why.
Again this is personal preference. I have no lock on the co-pilot side and a friction lock on the pilot side for cruse only. It is not tightened for maneuvers or t/o and ldg. Where I prefer the vernier is on the mixture for EGT and head temp control.
so John, you have both cables ran directly to the carb? The only problem i thought i might run into was not being able to push the cable on the side i am not using when pulling the throttle out but i guess its no different than pushing the cable in when applying power.
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