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My CH650B tail kit CNC-cut elevator skin came from Zenith with the v-notch width at the rear channel different between the top and bottom of the skin, top is 150mm width and bottom is the plan-designated 100mm width. I can't find any reference to this difference on the plans, which simply designate a 100mm width. Does anyone else have this same thing with their elevator skin?
The 750 elevators skins are the same way. I assume that the top is narrower than the bottom to compensate for the rudder taper from top to bottom.
Just heard from Roger at Zenith. The 150mm width between the angled cuts at the top of the rear elevator spar (channel) is correct... The skin I have is correct and the according to Roger the plans need to be updated to reflect this, so this is one thing I don't need to worry about!
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