Hello everyone I have just finished ob flaperons which at this point are the total aircraft components I can build (only ib flaperons are left to build). Now I must start putting everything together, and I have started thinking of what engine options I may have, aside from Rotax 912. If some of you are flying CH701 with other engines, I would really appreciate hearing some feedback from you.
Thank you and wishing all of my fellow builders & flyers a very succesful 2019!

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You might consider the Viking 90.

Hey Jonathan we have been flying the SP30 (701 copycat) with the Viking 90 and our recent customers have the Viking 90 on their S12, you can take a look at our YouTube that show it all, the installation etc. We are pretty dang happy with it, we can also send over our customers information if you would like more information and their feedback, she has a great video on our page stating her feelings on it as well. Thanks, Alissa, Viking Aircraft Engines. I know there are many on here with a Viking 130 as well. 

Thank you Jan, I live at an altitude of 8500ft ASL, a pretty high starting takeoff, which is why I would like a min. power of 100HP at takeoff. Would your 110HP  be an option?

Hello Jonathan, My 701 has a Continental C85-12, I have 250 hrs behind it. Engine weight 207, total aircraft 670 lbs. It flies great, no CG issues, two 200 lbs guys no problem. http://www.zenith.aero/profile/DAVIDORR


Hi  Dave, vey valuable W&B info! I will definitely have it in mind if I decide to that kind of weight, Thank you!

Rotax 912 series engine. Proven 2000 hr TBO. Your CH701 with have a higher resale value in the future and you will have a much happier flying / ownership experience in the long run. Think of it a cheap "Life Insurance". Some insurance companies won't insure auto conversion powered aircraft.

Thanks Bob that would be something to consider unfortunately when $$ is low, one must look for other options

Almost every insurance company WILL insure an "auto conversion" over 500 of our customers have insurance, and good insurance. Maybe in an unproven engine, but not with the Viking. -Alissa
The Viking 90 has more thrust, is of newer technology and has a total weight equal to the Rotax of 159 lb installed


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